DVCNews Debates

DVCNews Debates: Owner Mistake

mt_ignore:DVCNews DebatesWe all make mistakes...even Disney Vacation Club owners are not immune.  But when it comes to a vacation property which could be held for up to 50 years, those mistakes may prove costly.  

Could be something like not selecing the ideal Home resort or Use Year.  Maybe it's not buying enough points in the first place or not waiting for a new resort to come on-line.   

 Topic:  What is your biggest mistake made as a DVC owner?


DVCNews Debates: Spending bonus points

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It's a problem some members will never have to worry about dealing with:  What would I do if extra points suddenly fell into my lap?

If you're like me, points are usually rationed out pretty carefully.  We own about 300 points and trips are often booked with careful consideration given to the most economical resort, view and even season.  But what if I suddenly found myself with 500 extra points?  For no partiuclar reason...suddenly I had 500 points to splurge on any resort, view, room size, season, etc.     

Topic:  If you had 500 on-time DVC points to use, how would you spend them?


DVCNews Debates: Villa size

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With multiple villa sizes available at each property, Disney Vacation Club has options available to suit most parties.  From hotel-sized Deluxe Studio Villas to 3-bedroom Grand Villas measuring nearly 2000 sq ft, owners (and renters) have quite a variety to choose from.     

Topic:  What size DVC villa do you most often reserve for your stays?



DVCNews Debates: Events worthwhile?

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Throughout the year, Disney Vacation Club presents a number of member-exclusive events.  Among them are the Welcome Home Wednesdays gatherings at Walt Disney World and similar events at Disneyland and Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas. Also included are the holiday season Member Merry Mixers in Epcot.  

DVC owner dues certainly cover part--if not all--of the cost of hosting these events.  But are the events worthwhile?    

Topic:  Are the DVC member events a reasonable expense or should the be eliminated to help reduce owner costs?


DVCNews Debates: Aulani vs. Grand Floridian

mt_ignore:DVCNews DebatesWhile more informed consumers (including readers of DVCNews.com) realize that there are many options available for acquiring Disney Vacation Club points, some buyers naively listen to Disney's sales pitch and choose from the options presented.  Those options currently include the Aulani resort in Hawaii and Disney's Grand Floridian resort in Florida.  Prices for the Grand Floridian currently run $165 per point with no incentives, while Aulani is only $160 with buyers receving 15 free points for every 100 purchased.  

 Topic:  Given a choice between Aulani or Grand Floridian at today's prices, which would you select?