Disney's Old Key West Resort
Below is a sampling of Frequently Asked Questions regarding Disney's Old Key West Resort. Have suggestions regarding a correction or addition, please contact us!

Which buildings are in the Hospitality House area?
The official Hospitality House category buildings are 11, 12, 13, and 14, are directly across from the Hospitality House. Also, 23, 24, 25, and 26 are just down from the Hospitality House on Peninsular Road.
Which buildings at Old Key West have elevators?
The only buildings with elevators are 62, 63, and 64, all in the Miller's Road area.
Which buildings have Grand Villas?
Miller's Road buildings 15, 16, 19, 22, and 63 have Grand Villas. Peninsular Road buildings 25 and 29 have Grand Villas. Turtle Pond Road building 43 has a Grand Villa. and South Point buildings 48, 49, 51, and 53 have Grand Villas.
Why are Grand Villas at Old Key West so popular?
Not only are the Grand Villas at Disney's Old Key West Resort the largest villas of all of the Disney Vacation Club resorts at Walt Disney World, but the cost per night is dramatically lower than other resorts' Grand VIllas.
Old Key West is the original Disney Vacation Club resort and the low point charts are a relic of Disney's initial entry into the timeshare industry. At this stage, Disney has very little flexibility to alter those point charts, making Old Key West's Grand Villas perhaps the greatest bargain in the entire program.
There are only 27 Grand Villas available at Old Key West, making them very difficult for non-owners to book 7 months prior to arrival.
Where are the Trash/Recycling rooms?
The Trash/Recycling rooms are under the stairway at most buildings.
I'm staying in a Deluxe Studio. Where are the laundry facilities?
Laundry facilities are near all the pools, including the main pool at the Hospitality House. Guests who wish to be within easy walking distance to a laundry room should request a villa near a swiming pool (i.e. near Turtle Pond pool).
Old Key West pools are located at the Hospitality House, Miller's Road, Old Turtle Pond Road, and South Point Road. There is no pool on Peninsular Road.
Old Key West is really big and I don't have a car. Is there another way to get around?
Old Key West has its own form of internal bus transportation for those who may be unable or unwilling to walk from one location to another.
Those wishing to get from their guest room to the Hospitality House can board any theme park bus at the nearest bus stop. The final stop for all departing busses is the Hospitality House.
For example, a guest staying in the South Point area of Old Key West should be able to board any theme park bus at the South Point bus depot and exit the bus when it arrives at the Hospitality House. (Note that it would be wise to confirm the route with the driver before boarding any given bus as it is not unheard of for a driver to take the stops out of order.)
To return to a villa from the Hospitality House area, take the internal bus.
What is the order of bus stops at Old Key West?
All busses except those bound for Disney Springs follow this route:
- Peninsular Road
- Old Turtle Pond Road
- South Point
- Miller's Road
- Hospitality House
Disney Springs buses make an additional stop at the Hospitality House upon entry at the resort, and then proceed to Peninsualr Road. The Disney Springs buses are often referred to as "Internal" buses as they provide a means for guests to get from the Hospitality House (during that initial visit) to any other bus stop at the resort.
Where is the best area to stay in at Old Key West?
The answer to this is--it depends.
Guests without access to a car may want to request a room near the Hospitality House. This is a confirmed booking category.
Guests who wish to walk to Downtown Disney or Saratoga Springs should ask for South Point, specifically near the South Point pool. The walkway to Downtown Disney and Saratoga Springs is right past building 55. The Turtle Pond pool area has a video arcade and a snack bar (the snack bar is open seasonally).
Building 35 on Old Turtle Pond Road has some great water views. Old Turtle Pond Road also has tennis courts.
Guests who wish to be on the main road should ask for Peninsular Road, which is generally the first bus stop at Old Key West.
Those with a car should try to avoid building 20 on Miller's Road and building 55 on South Point Road. Parking at both of these buildings is limited.
What is there to do at Old Key West?
The Community Hall offers a variety of board games, table games (ping pong, foosball) and video games. It is staffed by Disney Cast Members, but should not be considered day care centers. Parents are responsible for supervising young children.
The resort activity schedule contains a list of all scheduled activities for the week, including things like arts & crafts, outdoor movies, pool parties and more. Some activities are free, others have a minimal charge. In addition, Old Key West has basketball and tennis courts, vollyball and shuffleboard, as well as playgrounds for the kids.
The Community Hall is open to all resort guests, not just DVC members.
After I check in, will Bell Services take me (and my luggage) to my room?
Yes. Bell Services has motorized carts available to deliver guests and luggage to their villa. Guests can also Internal (Disney Springs) bus if they do not wish to walk.