Disney's Grand Floridian Resort

Below is a sampling of Frequently Asked Questions regarding Villas at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort. Have suggestions regarding a correction or addition, please contact us

Disney's Grand Floridian Resort

Where are Disney Vacation Club villas located at the Grand Floridian?

Villas are spread over two buildings. The first is the stand-alone Disney Vacation Club building which opened in 2013. The…

Villas are spread over two buildings. The first is the stand-alone Disney Vacation Club building which opened in 2013. The building is located on the southernmost part of the resort near Disney's Wedding Pavilion

Other villas can be found in the Big Pine Key building which was coverted from hotel rooms to DVC in 2022. 

Posted  2 years  ago

How do I know which building my room will be in?

All Deluxe Studio, One Bedroom, Two Bedroom and Three Bedroom Grand Villas are located in the original DVC building. Big…

All Deluxe Studio, One Bedroom, Two Bedroom and Three Bedroom Grand Villas are located in the original DVC building. Big Pine Key consists entirely of Resort Studio rooms. 

Posted  2 years  ago

Where should guests check-in when staying in a DVC villa at Grand Floridian?

Guests with a reservation for a Deluxe Studio, One, Two or Three bedroom villa in the original DVC building should…

Guests with a reservation for a Deluxe Studio, One, Two or Three bedroom villa in the original DVC building should go directly to that building. A dedicated front desk is maintained by Disney Cast Members. 

Guests staying in a Resort Studio should go to the resort's main lobby to check in before proceeding to their room in Big Pine Key

Posted  2 years  ago

Are there any rooms with a theme park view?

Resort Studios have a dedicated Theme Park View category. Also all of the Grand Villas in the DVC building face…

Resort Studios have a dedicated Theme Park View category. Also all of the Grand Villas in the DVC building face toward the Magic Kingdom

At best, other DVC rooms will only have an obstructed view of some high level fireworks at the Magic Kingdom

Posted  2 years  ago