Latest Aulani progress report from Yesterland
Time for Werner Weiss from to get caught up on the latest news coming out of Hawai'i. Check out Yesterland's The News from Disney's Aulani.
Time for Werner Weiss from to get caught up on the latest news coming out of Hawai'i. Check out Yesterland's The News from Disney's Aulani.
A reader sent in some pictures showing construction progress on Disney's forthcoming Aulani resort on Oah'u.
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Following is additional information and facts regarding Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa.
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The Walt Disney Company has announced that its forthcoming resort and Disney Vacation Club property in Oahu will be named Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa. A companion website has also been launched for the resort which is scheduled to open in 2011.
Disney has released some details on convention facilities planned for its Ko Olina resort in Oahu. Included in this report are detailed maps of the meeting space along with several new pieces of concept artwork for the resort set to begin opening in 2011.
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