A new mobile version of the DVCNews.com site has been implemented which provides expanded content to mobile device users.
Previous implementations of a mobile site were limited to front page content. This latest revision offers nearly all of the DVCNews.com content a format compatible with all major mobile devices.
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A few limited features have been stripped from the mobile version due to poor compatibility with small screen devices--most notably the resort photo albums and RoomFinder databases. Aside from those omissions, all other content is readily available including resort descriptions, villa inventories, FAQs and the latest news and information from around the Disney Vacation Club world.
Accessding DVCNews.com on a mobile device will automatically redirect guests to the mobile site. Those who may wish to view the full site will find a "Standard Version" link toward the bottom of the page.
In a related note, mobile access to the DVCNews.com Discussion Forum via Tapatalk has been restored. Tapatalk is a stand-alone application available for most mobile devices which integrates with the vBulletin forum software. For additional details, visit your app store or www.Tapatalk.com.