Animal Kingdom Villas

AKV Tapestry Info in the Mail

DVC has begun contacting those who are eligible to be listed on the Animal Kingdom Villas Founding Members tapestry.  To recap, all individuals who were existing DVC members as of February 2007 were extended an offer which included being cited as “Founding Members” on a tapestry which will eventually hang in the lobby of the forthcoming Kidani Village facility. 

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AKV Concierge / Value Ahead of Schedule

Following-up on a rumor from last week, AKV owners have begun receiving letters from DVC indicating that concierge rooms will be available earlier than originally expected.  Originally the concierge rooms were to be part of the final phase of room conversions at Jambo House and would not be available to guests until sometime in May 2008.  Now members are being told that they can begin booking these room classes for stays beginning December 1, 2007:

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