Another Disney Vacation Club resort has been added to our guest room archive.
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One of the signature features at is a database of every villa guest room at most Disney Vacation Club properties. Joining our RoomFinder listings is the Villas at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa.
All 147 individual villas are reprsented including lockoff and dedicated Two Bedroom villas and three bedroom Grand Villas. Users of the database can enter a specific villa size, view, floor and other criteria, and obtain a listing of all rooms which match the desired input.
The results include not only villa numbers but--in many cases--comments from guests who have occupied rooms and photos of the view from the patio or balcony.
For additional information and links to all of the databases, visit our RoomFinder introductory page.
Readers who wish to share comments and/or photos from any villa room are invited to check out this page on our Discussion Forum.
Many thanks to Wil and Denise Lovato for their contributions to this feature!