Geyser Point Opening Day Set
Walt Disney World has reportedly set an opening date for the new Geyser Point Bar & Grill at Disney's Wilderness Lodge.
Walt Disney World has reportedly set an opening date for the new Geyser Point Bar & Grill at Disney's Wilderness Lodge.
While construction projects are still widespread at Disney's Wilderness Lodge, one new resort amenity may debut sooner than anticipated.
Concept artwork for Geyser Point Bar & Grill (copyright 2016 The Walt Disney Company)
More Disney Vacation Club Villas, an expanded pool, a new restaurant and waterside cabins are just a few of the additions set to debut at Disney's Wilderness Lodge in 2017.
New details have just been released regarding the reimagined Hidden Springs Pool area at Disney's Wilderness Lodge, henceforth known as Boulder Ridge Cove.
Boulder Ridge Cove (copyright 2016 The Walt Disney Company)
The Villas at Disney's Wilderness Lodge is no more.
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