March Kidani Village Construction Photos

Animal Kingdom Villas

Construction is well under way at the Animal Kingdom Villas Kidani Village facility, currently scheduled to open in early 2009.  Let's take a look at some recent photos of the work completed to-date.

The first series of photos was shot from the current Animal Kingdom Lodge (aka Jambo House) parking lot.  The Kidani Village building has begun to rise to its full 5-story height to the west of Jambo--beyond the current structure as you approach the resort entrance by car.

...and looking in a bit closer...

...another angle showing the extreme eastern side of Kidani Village... let's move a bit deeper into Jambo House for a second series of images.  These photos look across the current Sunset Savanna toward Kidani Village...

...more guest room detail in this one...

...note the animals hanging-out near the construction barrier here...

...and finally some cranes being used to assist in the construction...