DVC refunding points for Aulani stays
Due to newly-scheduled construction work at Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas, Disney Vacation Club is refunding points to most members with scheduled stays in late 2012.
Due to newly-scheduled construction work at Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas, Disney Vacation Club is refunding points to most members with scheduled stays in late 2012.
Australian newspaper / website "The Age" takes a look at Disney's Hawaiian resort Aulani.
Yesterday Disney announced an expansion to the year-old Aulani resort in Hawai'i and we have a few additional details to share.
Disney's corporate siblings continue to promote Disney Vacation Club and the Aulani resort in Hawai'i as "America's Funniest Home Videos" season finale visits the Hawaiian paradise.
Site member "Plasmo" recently returned from a vacation to Disney's Aulani resort in Hawai'i and supplied us with dozens of photos of the resort. Nearly 50 images of the resort grounds have been added to the Aulani Maps & Photos page with more to come. Be sure to check out these amazing pics of Disney Vacation Club's newest property.
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