More new Aulani photos and video's Werner Weiss sent along a few more images of Disney's work on the Aulani resort in Hawai'i.
{multithumb thumb_width=450 thumb_height=300 thumb_proportions=bestfit}'s Werner Weiss sent along a few more images of Disney's work on the Aulani resort in Hawai'i.
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Flooding at a nearby landfill polluted a number of Oahu beaches including those adjacent to Disney Vacation Club's Hawai'i resort.
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Those interested in previewing Aulani guest rooms will soon have at least one new alternative...perhaps two.
Werner Weiss' has a wonderful new photo essay on Disney's Aulani resort in Hawai'i. The article contains many new high-resolution photos of resort construction as it stands today--less than 8 months away from the grand opening. Check it out HERE.
Hawaii Minority Supplier Certification (HawaiiMSC) announced that The Walt Disney Company will become the 2011 sponsor of its Hawaii Minority Business Advisory Committee, which counsels HawaiiMSC on local diverse business development & impact.