Early registration now open for Expedition Everest Challenge
Disney Vacation Club members can now enroll in the May 2015 runDisney event--two weeks before registration opens to the general public.
Disney Vacation Club members can now enroll in the May 2015 runDisney event--two weeks before registration opens to the general public.
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The winter 2014 issue of Disney Files Magazine has been released and is on its way to members' homes. Here is a quick rundown of what to expect.
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Walt Disney World's D-Tech store offers custom smartphone cases which are printed on the spot. Included are a variety of designs exclusive for Disney Vacation Club members.
Disney Vacation Club members can soon order an Vera Bradley tote bag designed just for owners.
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The Disney Store online is getting an early jump on holiday sales with yet another discount offer. This deal saves shoppers 25% on nearly all items including theme park and Disney Vacation Club merchandise.