DVC website struggling to cope with SSR changes
Reservations have opened for the 2017 calendar year and the Disney Vacation Club online booking system is not yet reflecting changes to one resort's point structure.
Reservations have opened for the 2017 calendar year and the Disney Vacation Club online booking system is not yet reflecting changes to one resort's point structure.
Disney Vacation Club has taken the wraps off its "Last-Minute Magic" feature, but it may not be as useful as you had hoped.
Disney Vacation Club has added a new feature to the members-only website: ability to print or capture a digital copy of their member ID card.
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During weeks surrounding Christmas and New Year's Day, a number of Disney Vacation Club services and member perks will be impacted.
With the United States holiday of Thanksgiving approaching, a number of Disney Vacation Club services and member perks will be impacted.