Disney Vacation Club has added a new feature to the members-only website: ability to print or capture a digital copy of their member ID card.
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At the 2015 Condominium Association meeting, Disney Vacation Club revealed that it would be distributing new member identification cards early in 2016. Owners who cannot wait for their new card, or prefer a digital copy instead, can now obtain a copy right from the DVC owner website.
The most direct link can be found on the DVC 25th Anniversary website: DisneyVacationClub/25years
After logging-in, scroll down to the Membership Card link. Click on Read More for a link to view a personalized ID card.
The digital image can be printed or saved to a computer or smartphone. Presenting the digital image to a Disney Cast Member on a smartphone should be sufficient to receive the wide variety of member perks. Photo ID is also required. The digital image expires three months after its capture, but active members can return to the website and obtain a new card as needed.
Images presented at the condo meeting suggest that plastic ID cards may also include an expiration date, and will be reissued each year. Previous ID cards contained no ending date, potentially allowing former members to continue to take advantage of DVC perks even after selling their ownership interest.
New plastic ID cards are scheduled to be mailed in January 2016. Older cards will reportedly be honored through March.