Beginning in 2025, Disney Vacation Club members must cancel trades made through Interval International at least 30 days in advance in order to avoid forfiting their points.
A poster in the "Interval International and DVC VIPs" Facebook group recently uncovered a little-publicized change to the cancellation policy for timeshare trades managed via Interval International. Previously, trade activity allowed for cancellations up to 7 days prior to arrival. Effective January 1, 2025, trades must be cancelled at least 30 days in advance in order to avoid forfiting the points.
The current policy reads as follows:
Effective January 1, 2025: Disney Vacation Club Members are entitled to cancel any exchange confirmation issued 30 days or more in advance of the initial date of occupancy of the Host Accommodations.
However, in all instances, the Member—through the applicable Disney Vacation Club Cast Member—must notify Interval of their desire to cancel such confirmation 30 days or more in advance of the Host Accommodations’ initial date of occupancy.
The previous policy, effective through December 31, 2024, entitled Disney Vacation Club Members to cancel any exchange confirmation issued 7 days or more in advance of the initial date of occupancy of the Host Accommodations.
Interval International coordinates trades between Disney Vacation Club owners and other timeshare systems, giving DVC members access to hundreds of other non-Disney destinations.
Reservations made before January 1, 2025 may still fall under the prior 7-day cancellation rule. Contact DVC Member Services for details. But all reservations made January 1 and beyond will be subject to the new terms. Complete details regarding the exchange program can be found here. Cancellation terms are listed under the heading of "Interval International Policies for Exchange." The change was also reportedly communicated to owners via the December 2024 Membership Magic Insider email newsletter.