The fall 2013 S.S. Member Cruise departed for a 4-night voyage on Sunday and Disney Vacation Club has provided periodic updates via their Facebook page.
Little news has come out of the second 2013 Member Cruise. Disney Vacation Club has posted a few generic images (like the one below) to the official DVC Facebook Page.
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Additionally short videos have been posted highlighting DVC Senior VP Ken Potrock and Disney artists Don "Ducky" Williams and Stacia Martin. In one video, Ken Potrock references "exciting and dramatic opportunities" for cruise attendees. Cited are an appearance by Disney Legend Richard Sherman, unspecified attendees from Disney Studios discussing upcoming film releases and an event built around the ESPN Monday Night Football broadcast which includes appearances by "our friends at ESPN joining us live."
Click below to view the videos.
DVC Senior VP Ken Potrock
Disney artist Don "Ducky" Williams
Disney artist Stacia Martin