Holiday event in New York, too

Member Benefits and Perks

The Doorway to Dreams location in Chicago isn't the only Disney Vacation Club outlet celebrating the start of the Holiday season.  DVC's preview center on Long Island is hosting a similar event next weekend.

You’re invited, to join Disney Vacation Club on November 20th at Roosevelt Field® for a special celebration to kick off the holidays. Drop by with your family and come mingle with your fellow Members as we celebrate with Disney & Cameron Macintosh’s Broadway musical Mary Poppins.

Create memories that will last a lifetime by performing a show-stopping number in a high-energy workshop—as a Disney Teaching Artist will take you through the unique tongue-tickling lyrics and body-bending choreography of “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from Mary Poppins.

Plus, don’t forget to pick up your family’s Disney Vacation Club Member exclusive holiday ornament for 2011.* You can also check in with your Vacation Club Guide for exciting Member news and promotions.

Let the Festivities Begin!

Member Mix-n-Mingle

November 20, 2011
11:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.

Disney Doorway to Dreams
Roosevelt Field
Nordstrom Wing, Upper Level

For more information, please call 516-535-3220

*Ornaments are available only to Members and while supplies last. Limit one ornament per Member household.