Recently Disney announced that most of its Disney Vacation Club properties and resort hotels were installing new technologically advanced guest laundry facilities. Let's take a look at those laundry rooms and the technology which powers them.
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The Inn laundry room at Disney's Vero Beach Resort
The modifications are driven by a desire to make more efficient use of the available facilities. Rather than providing more machines for guest use, the enhancements allow guests to determine if equipment is free before they even venture to the laundry room, and later to receive updates regarding the status of their jobs.
Three new washers and six dryers for the Inn building at Vero Beach
Posted within each laundry room is signage which briefly explains the next technology. By visiting a website or scanning the posted QR code, guests are directed to the website which gives complete information regarding the equipment status.
The main status page which can be found at includes entries for all Florida-based Disney properties including those at Walt Disney World plus Disney's Vero Beach Resort. Clicking on a resort brings up a drop-down menu listing each individual laundry room at the property. Notations next to each laundry room name indicate the number of washers and dryers which are current open and available for use.
Disney homepage on LaundryView website
Clicking on the laundry room brings up additional details showing specific machines which are available, machines which are in-use (along with time remaining on the cycle), machines which are idle (completed a cycle but waiting for owner to retrieve their belongings) and equipment which is down for maintenance.
Creating an account on the LaundryView website allows guests to be notified when equipment is available for use or when their own personal load has completed its cycle.
LaundryView status for a single guest laundry room
Also available on the LaundryView website is historical usage data. The "weekly stats" link lists average usage data over the most recent 2-week period. As in the example below, the site shows periods of low, medium and high usage for that particular facility. While this data cannot be used to accurately predict future availability of machines, it should help guests to set their expectations properly when deciding when to complete their laundry.
Historical usage data
These enhancements are now available at all Disney World properties and Vero Beach resort. The website is accessible via computer, smartphone or tablet. For additional details, visit the LaundryView website.
Use of laundry rooms is complimentary to Disney Vacation Club members. Detergent is typically not provided to Deluxe Studio guests, but is available for purchase at the resort.