Disney Vacation Club has randomly selected members to participate in a 10-15 minute survey. Topics addressed range from referrals to member communications to smarphone apps.
Some of the basic questions addressed during the survey include:
- Are you familiar with the "Sharing the Magic" referral program?
- For what reasons did you refer someone to Disney Vacation Club?
- Do you own timeshare(s) with companies other than Disney Vacation Club?
- Which, if any, of the following social media platforms do you regularly use?
One question attempted to gauge member feelings toward Disney Vacation Club:
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But the bulk of the survey focused on a wide range of member communications: paper, email, websites, Facebook, smartphone / tablet apps, an so forth.
Participants were asked a series of questions in order to determine how often they receive different types of communications from Disney Vacation Club and the level of satisfaction with each method. Value of information was also addressed, with participants asked to rank the importance of receiving price increase notices, personal information about DVC membership (e.g. annual dues statement) and special offers & discounts.
Additionally, respondants were asked to select the type of content they wish to receive via each communication method including direct mail, email, Disney Files Magazine, Facebook, DVCMember.com and more.
The concept of a Disney Vacation Club smarphone / table app was also introduced within the survey. Along with questions regarding the type of smartphone and tablet computer used, members were asked what sort of general and personal information they would like to see featured in a potential DVC app.
Disney Vacation Club periodically selects members to participate surveys of this type. There is no guarantee that any of these proposed projects will be pursued.