Financial News & Pricing

DVC Ownership and Taxes

Today is the deadline for mailing tax forms like 1098s, 1099s and W-2s to their respective recipients.  With that in mind, let's take a quick look at a couple of potential deductions available to DVC members.

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Annual Dues Info Now on Member Website

The 2008 Annual Dues charges have been posted to  To view, click on "My Membership" then "Annual Dues."  The full 2008 balance due should be listed. 

Those who have signed up for the monthly direct debit service should be charged roughly 1/12th of this amount each month.  Note that if 2007 property taxes were underestimated, that balance will be charged in January along with 1/12th of the '08 dues.  A paper statement with exact debit amounts should be on its way to members now.