There are currently 1,500 private resale listings for Disney Vacation Club points at the eleven Walt Disney World resorts. Less than one year ago in May 2021 there were 207 listings...
These data are compiled from the 13 primary brokers and listing sites beginning in March 2021. The mix of market share has fluctuated with eight brokers having 5% or more of the listings.
There has not been a strong seasonality to the Use Year distribution. It is possible that owners time their listings based on the beginning of their Use Year or their banking dates, but the data show this has not significantly affected the availability of any particular Use Year over time. There is a difference in Use Year availability but this is likely driven by the overall distribution of Use Year among owners.
Inventory--total listings divided by monthly sales--currently sits at 3.8. This means with no additional listings, current inventory would sustain sales activity for nearly four months. In early 2021, the inventory was 0.4 meaning inventory was enough to sustain sales activity for about two weeks.
Private resale contracts recorded with Orange County, FL have decreased from 500-700 per month in early 2021 to about 400 per month currently.
As has been reported previously, private resale pricing for recorded sales at the Walt Disney Resort have remained relatively flat at most resorts from July 2021. This was shortly before the start of this rise in listing volume.
At, there are resources including additional market data, pricing regression analysis, and a DVC listing search engine--featuring 13 brokers who specialize in Disney Vacation Club timeshare ownership transfers.
Chris Dantès is a contributor to and has been a Disney Vacation Club owner since 2020 at Disney's Riviera Resort. You can find Chris posting on many Disney forums under the username i<3riviera