2012 budgets for all resorts on-line

Financial News & Pricing

DVCNews.com has gathered annual dues figures for all eleven Disney Vacation Club resorts.

As in years past, we have assembled data for all of the resorts and placed them in one easy-to-read chart.  Click here to view the per-point dues charges by resort and expense category.  

Due to variances in point charts, resort sizes (number of rooms), resort amenities, construction materials, location (transportation), and many other factors, it can be difficult to compare individual cost components from one resort to another.  

Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas is particularly difficult to compare to other resorts due to changes in the budgeting methodology.  While re-working the Aulani budget, Disney Vacation Club took steps to add revenue-producing areas of the resort to the Condominium Association.  As such, expenses will be noticeably higher in comparison to other DVC resorts but those expenses are at least partially offset by revenues generated.  

Note that this information is presented for discussion purposes only.  DVCNews.com cannot guarantee the accuracy of these figures or their descriptions.  Questions regarding member dues and resort budgets should be directed to Disney Vacation Club Member Accounting.