Paddock pool photos

Saratoga Springs Resort

On July 1, 2011 the new Paddock-area feature pool debuted at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa.  Click inside for a photo tour of the new facility. 

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Paddock Pool

(Bus stop; pool entry)

Paddock Pool

Paddock Pool

(Paddock feature pool)

Paddock Pool

(Feature slide)

Paddock Pool

(Zero entry)

Paddock Pool

(Children's play area)

Paddock Pool

(Note rules specifically limit childrens' play area to 48" and under)

Paddock Pool

(The Paddock Grill)

Paddock Pool

(Full menu for the The Paddock Grill)

Paddock Pool

(Beverage station)

Paddock Pool

(Extended view of main building with restrooms and laundry facilities on right)

Paddock Pool

(Guest laundry; complimentary for Disney Vacation Club members)