New details visible on Poly bungalows

Polynesian Villas

As the Disney Vacation Club bungalows at Disney's Polynesian Village edge closer to completion, additional details are now visible on the structures.  

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Poly Bungalows December 2014

Poly Bungalows December 2014

Plunge pools are installed (left)

Poly Bungalows December 2014

The plunge pools appear to be surrounded by gates with direct access from the villa (master bedroom?) also likely

Poly Bungalows December 2014

Bungalow floor plans appear to be flipped for buildings on the east side of the development vs. west.  Note how the leftmost bungalow above has its plunge pool on the far right while the neighboring bungalow is reversed.

Poly Bungalows December 2014

Large swinging basket chairs are being hung on balconies--likely two per building

Poly Bungalows December 2014

Wooden guard rails are being installed on the walkways leading out to the bungalows

Poly Bungalows December 2014

More walkway posts waiting to be installed

Poly Bungalows December 2014

Cicrular door ornamenture on some doors...

Poly Bungalows December 2014

...rectangular on other doors

Poly Bungalows December 2014

While construction continues, the three DVC buildings are unlabeled on resort maps

Poly Bungalows December 2014

Meanwhile, the Great Ceremonial House is a maze of construction walls and curtains

Poly Bungalows December 2014

A central feature in the resort lobby remains shrouded in mystery.  Some sources suggest lobby work could be complete in time for holiday crowds.

Thanks to Wil and Denise Lovato for the photos!