The soft goods refurbishment project at Disney's Animal Kingdom Villas will commence just a few short weeks from now.
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Concept rendering for Animal Kingdom Villas refurbishment
Shortly after Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend, Disney Vacation Club will use the winter travel slowdown to begin refurbishing guest rooms at Disney's Animal Kingdom Villas. The project is scheduled to begin around January 10, 2016 with rooms in the Jambo House facility first receiving attention.
A soft goods refurbishment typically includes updates to wall, floor and window coverings, upholstry and fixtures. Some furniture updates may also occur. Disney Vacation Club representatives stated that making rooms lighter and brighter is among their goals when designing the new room designs.
DVC has contacted some guests with upcoming stays at Jambo House to discuss relocation during the construction work.
Renovations at Kidani Village will follow the completion of Jambo House.
No word on how long the refurbishment will take to complete.