DVCNews Debates: RTU Good or Bad

DVCNews Debates

mt_ignore:DVCNews DebatesOne of the more unique aspects of Disney Vacation Club ownership is the pre-defined "Right-To-Use" dates.  Most timeshares feature an unlmited ownership duration, with buyers able to keep their purchase in the family for generations to come.  DVC is one of the few with a stated end date on which the contract ends and ownership reverts back to Disney.  

Some consider the RTU aspect to be a detriment since all DVC purchases will eventually be valueless...null and void.  Others view the RTU as a benefit since it eliminates the financial burden from relatives; children and grandchildren are not obligated to pay for upkeep on a decades-old piece of property.  

 Topic: Do you regard the end date of the DVC contract as a good thing or a bad thing?