Higher prices soon for Aulani, Polynesian
Before the year is up, buyers will find themselves paying more to purchase points at two Disney Vacation Club properties.
Before the year is up, buyers will find themselves paying more to purchase points at two Disney Vacation Club properties.
In August 2015, the Orange County Property Appraiser issued "Notices of Proposed Property Taxes" for 2015 for the Disney Vacation Club resorts located at Walt Disney World. These notices indicate that taxes are going up, and in most cases they are going up more than anticipated.
The current discounts offer for purchase of points at Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas is scheduled to end in just a few days.
In August 2015, Disney’s Polynesian Villas & Bungalows sold 78,975 Disney Vacation Club points, a decrease of 20.1% compared to the previous month. Excluding sales for Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas, overall direct sales in August were down 19.3% compared to July 2015.
The latest Disney Vacation Club webcast, which is now available for viewing, follows Disney Moms Panelists Kate and Juliette as they explore DVC’s newest resort, Disney's Polynesian Villas & Bungalows.
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