Disney Websites Unveil New Unified Login

DVC Policies & Procedures

Disney Vacation Club owners should see a new login box when they visit the members-only site and other Disney websites. 

Disney Login 2023 July 1

Today Disney launched a new login box across many of its websites. Functionally it works about the same as the previous login which was updated back in April. Members are first asked to enter their email address and click Continue. Then they will be presented with a second login box to enter the password. 

DIsney Login 2023 July 2

The login is now featured on a number of websites including:

  • DisneyVacationClub.com / DVCMember.com
  • MyDisneyExperience.com
  • Disneyland.com
  • DisneyCruiseLine.com
  • ESPN.com
  • StarWars.com

Note that most of the web addresses above will resolve to a more complex URL upon entry. 

Additionally it appears the email notifications confirming that an account log-in has occurred appear to have been reduced or eliminated.  Functionally it does not appear that there have been any other changes to the underlying site(s). 

h/t @ScottGustin