2017 Annual Dues Balances Posted

DVC Policies & Procedures

With the 2017 annual dues now approved by the Disney Vacation Club board of directors, owners can now see how much they will have to pay in the new year. 

Disney Vacation Club logo

DVCMember.com has been updated to reflect the Annual Dues for the new calendar year.  To view, log onto the members-only website and click on "My DVC Membership" then "Annual Dues."  

For members who have elected to pay the annual balance in full, payment is due by January 15, 2017 with a 30 day grace period provided.  If payment is not made by the end of the grace period, late fees will apply and DVC may place a hold on the owner's account.  

Owners who have elected to make monthly payments should find that their debit amounts are updated.  Note that there is often a delay in processing the first payment of the new year.  Owners who are accustomed to seeing the payments applied on the 1st of each month may find that their January debit is not processed until later in the month.  

Generally speaking, the monthly debit amount should represent approximately 1/12 of the full 2017 dues obligation.  However, if property taxes were under-estimated for 2016, any required adjustment to close out the prior year is typically included in the January payment.  

For additional details, visit the DVCMember.com website or contact Disney Vacation Club Member Accounting for assistance. 

Thanks to 'wdrl' for the tip!