DVCMember.com is sporting a new feature to help owners prepare for availability at their preferred resort destination.
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Late last week DVCMember.com launched a new feature called the Resort Availability Tool. This page allows owners to specify vacation dates, one or more preferred resorts and multiple room types. The tool will then show a rough indication of the availability at all selected resort for the dates entered.
Availability is expressed in one of three ways:
Best Availability = All requested nights are available to book
Limited Availability = Some of the requested nights are unavailable while others can be reserved
No Availability = None of the requested nights are open
Clicking on a specific room size and view within the results (e.g. Deluxe Studio - Savanna View for Disney's Animal Kingdom Villas) will pull up a more detailed monthly chart showing the nights that are available within the entire month, along with the DVC season in which the night falls.
Note there appears to be a bug in the application causing errors in reporting of seasons. Regardless of resorts chosen, the seasons displayed in the detail seemingly correspond to Aulani, Disney Vacation Club Villas. The Aulani seasons are unique and vary greatly from the other 11 DVC properties.
Perhaps most surprisingly, the Availability Tool displays data for a full 11 months into the future. Owners who are weeks or months away from being able to book a non-Home resort at 7 months can still use this tool to gauge their odds of being able to secure a room.
To access the application, log into DVCMember.com and click on Vacation Planning followed by Resort Availability Tool.