Not only does the Disney Vacation Club 25th Annniversary ticket offer provide buyers with a free theme park day and waterpark access, but it is also available at rates which predate the most recent price increase.
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Launched back in January, the DVC 25th Anniversary Walt Disney World ticket special offers a free day in the parks with any Magic Your Way ticket of 5 days or more. Additionally, members who add Park Hopping to their DVC incentive ticket will receive the Waterparks Fun & More add-on at no additional cost.
Priced at are $371.69 per child age 3-9 and $392.99 per adult, this ticket originally provided savings of $38 off the regular price of a 5-day pass with Park Hopping and waterpark access.
However, in the wake of the February 28 price increase on Magic Your Way tickets, the savings are now even greater.
The standard rate for a 5-day Park Hopper with waterpark access is now $441.98 per child and $463.28 per adult, including tax. Compared to those new prices, the DVC-discounted offer represents savings of $70 per ticket off the list prices.
To purchase tickets at the DVC incentive price, visit:
Members may purchase up to 8 tickets. A Disney Vacation Club Member ID must be presented when tickets are claimed at a theme park entrance.
The tickets have no expiration date and may be activated at any time. All park visits must be redeemed within 14 days of first use. This special members-only pricing ends on March 31, 2016.