A new t-shirt is available for Disney Vacation Club members looking to celebrate the timeshare program's 25th anniversary.
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Last month Disney Vacation Club and the Disney Store offered a special anniverary t-shirt design, available only for a limited time. This new anniversary offering appears designed to stick around for a little longer.
This new white shirt sports the 25th anniversary emblem on the left front, while the back lists all fourteen Disney Vacation Club destinations--including both Jambo House and Kidani Village at Disney's Animal Kingdom Villas--along with the properties' opening dates.
Anniversary tee back
The shirt is available in adult sizes M through XXL, and retails for $24.99 at DisneyStore.com. DVC members are eligible for a 10% discount. Shoppers can also receive free shipping on orders of $75 or more with the code SHIPMAGIC.
For details, visit DisneyStore.com.