2012 Mixer ornament

Member Benefits and Perks

The 2012 Member Merry Mixers are now underway.  As in prior years, Mixer attendees will receive a complimentary holiday ornament courtesy of Disney Vacation Club.  

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2012 DVC Ornament

The ornament features a gingerbread house design and the "Welcome Home" motto on the front, with "Disney Vacation Club" and the 2012 year of issue on the reverse.  

2012 DVC Ornament

2012 DVC Ornament

Ornaments are distributed--one per family--at the Member Merry Mixer events at Epcot's World Showplace pavilion.  Remaining Mixer dates include December 4, 11 and 18 from 3:00pm - 5:00pm.

DVC owners must present their member ID card at the door.  Up to 4 guests may accompany the member.  Theme park admission is required.

Thanks to Linda (@mymousecapades) for the photos!