Sometimes it is all too easy to focus on negative changes that occur within the Disney Vacation Club program. Today it's time to acknowledge a change with positive impact for members--a significant improvement in the quality of chairs on DVC room balconies.
Previously DVC guest rooms featured the type of flimsy plastic chair you could buy for $9.95 at any home improvement store. Those models have recently been replaced with custom-design cast iron chairs. Let's take a look at the chairs that have arrived at Disney's BoardWalk and Saratoga Springs resorts.
First-up, the BoardWalk Villas:

The chair is an attractive white metal design with a webbed seat that clearly matches the look and feel of the resort itself. The chair isn't terribly "custom" in appearance, but still a good fit for the resort.
How about Saratoga Springs:

Similar construction but with a design that better matches Saratoga Springs. And, if you look closely, you'll find something interesting etched on the back of the chair.