2016 Condo meeting dated

General DVC News

Disney Vacation Club has revealed early details about the timing and location of the 2016 Condominium Association Meeting.

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2014 member meeting

Members await the start of the 2014 Condo Association Meeting

The 2016 annual meeting will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2016 at an unspecified location at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.  The exact location and timing are to be determined.  In recent years, meetings have been held in convention facilities at Disney's Contemporary Resort and Disney's Coronado Springs Resort.  

The Condominium Association Meeting is the forum used to update members on the state of the DVC program.  Executives review resort budgets for the coming year, discuss the prior year's achievements and provide a look at what's ahead for the coming year.  

All owners are invited to attend.  Additional details and registration opportunity will be provided closer to the event.