Free litho offer for D23 members

General DVC News

Disney Vacation Club is offering a free lithograph to members of the D23 fan club who participate in a telephone sales presentation.  

Members of the Official Disney Fan Club can receive a free vintage Disney lithorgraph in exchange for taking a "telephone tour" of the DVC program.  The litho artwork harkens back to the 1937 short Hawaiian Holiday, with Mickey Mouse and a ukulele-playing Donald Duck poised precariously on a surf board. 

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D23 Promo Litho

The offer is only open to D23 members over the age of 18 who have not toured or otherwise previewed the Disney Vacation Club program within the last 210 days.  Lithographs will be mailed within 45 days of the completion of the "tour."  

There is no indication as to whether current Disney Vacation Club members can take advantage of this offer or if it is exclusively targeted at non-members. 

Interested D23 members are directed to contact Disney Vacation Club at 888-382-2872.  The offer is available through September 1, 2012.

For additional details visit the D23 website.