Additional information on DCL bookings

General DVC News

Following last week's apparent reduction in availability for Disney Cruise Line voyages we contacted Disney Vacation Club to obtain clarification on several topics.

Below are questions posed by and the responses received from a Disney Vacation Club spokesperson:

Q:  Can you shed any light on why bookings suddenly ended last Friday?

A:   All DVC reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis and are all subject to availability.  Availability is very dynamic and changes by the moment based on demand.  DVC offers Members an extensive booking window for DCL reservations - up to 24 months in advance of sailing. This allows Members to plan ahead for these very special vacations with their families.

We opened the booking window for the 2011 sailings nearly one year ago and we have had an unprecedented number of Members book their cruises very early on.  This is due to all of the excitement around the new ship, as well as the new itineraries, like Alaska.

Q:  Member Services has referenced some form of a “call list” which sounds similar to the wait list used for DVC villa rooms.  If there is no desired cruise availability for desired dates, can a Member ask to be placed on this call list and be contacted if something opens up?

A:   Members can ask to be placed on a call list or wait list and will be contacted on a first-come, first-served basis, in the event we receive cancellations.

Q:  It is commonplace for Members place a down payment on a future cruise while sailing in order to secure rebooking discounts and later convert the trip to DVC points.  It has been suggested that this process may end—that members will be required to book the cruise on points from the start in order to pay with points.  Is there any truth to that?

A:  As long as there is availability for points-based bookings, Members will be able to book their cruise using vacation points.