Exclusive MagicBand drops at Disney Store today

DVCNews Debates

The Disney Vacation Club limited edition MagicBand designs are now available in the Disney Store online.  

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Following a staggerered launch over multiple retail outlets, the 25th Anniversary MagicBands are now available on DisneyStore.com.  

The MagicBands come in four colors:  red, blue, pink and purple.  As a Limited Edition design, quantities are reportely capped at just 2500 per color.  The exclusive bands launched last week on the Disney Shopping mobile app, with the inventory status seemingly fluctuating minute-by-minute. DisneyStore.com is the final purchase option available to guests.  The bands were also released last week to select retail locations at Disneyland and Walt Disney World.  

Order links for each band follow:

Disney Vacation Club 25th Anniversary LE MagicBand - Blue

Disney Vacation Club 25th Anniversary LE MagicBand - Pink

Disney Vacation Club 25th Anniversary LE MagicBand - Purple

Disney Vacation Club 25th Anniversary LE MagicBand - Red

The Limited Edition bands retail for $32.99.

Note that supplies are expected to be VERY limited.