DVCNews Debates: PAP discount impact

DVCNews Debates

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Beginning on October 1, Disney Vacation Club members are eligible to purchase a Walt Disney World Premium Annual Pass for just $399.  That's a savings of $300 off the normal price.  

Additionally, members can also purchase a PAP voucher to be redeemed in 2013, giving some two full years worth of heavily discounted admission.  

With that level of savings available, it stands to reason that some members have altered their plans for the next couple of years in order to take advantage of this offer.  Perhaps a trip to Disneyland or Aulani was cancelled in favor or more time in Florida.  Or perhaps additional trips were added to maximize use of the Premium Annual Passes.  

Topic:  Did the discounted PAP offer alter your vacation plans for 2013-2014?  If so, how?