Conflicting information regarding perks in docs, policy
Disney Vacation Club's promise to grandfather owner perks to buyers whose purchases were in-process during policy change is not reflected in documents they received.
Disney Vacation Club's promise to grandfather owner perks to buyers whose purchases were in-process during policy change is not reflected in documents they received.
Monday, May 30, 2016 is designated as Memorial Day in the United States--a day to remember those who perished while serving in the armed forces. Memorial Day is a national holiday, prompting many closures and holiday festivities which extend to the Disney Vacation Club world.
Disney Vacation Club Member Services and the members-only website will experience some scheduled downtime over the next two days.
Disney Vacation Development has seemingly altered its policy (again) regarding the cutoff point for resale buyers receving access to the Membership Extras slate of perks & benefits.
From this point forward, buyers purchasing Disney Vacation Club points via the resale marketplace will no longer be eligible for any member perks and benefits.
(Story updated 10:00am 4/6/16 with additional details.)
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