Owner's Locker approaches milestone

General DVC News

The vacation storage service has delivered a whole lot of Lockers.

The good folks at Owner's Locker are nearing an impressive milestone with nearly 25,000 Locker deliveries made. 

mt_ignore: Owner's LockerOwner's Locker is a vacation storage serviced aimed primarily at Disney Vacation Club members and other timeshare owners who frequent the Central Florida area.  Customers receive a 22" x 20" x 13" storage tub to hold all of their vacation essentials between visits.  The list of storage possibilities are endless, ranging from filtered water pitchers to laundry detergent to wine glasses...and everything in between.  

Lockers are delivered to a guest's resort prior to arrival and collected upon their departure, with the Owner's Locker website providing a convenient portal for scheduling locker delivery and documenting its inventory.  

In the 7 years since its founding, Owner's Locker has amassed more than 24,980 deliveries.  The 25,000th drop-off is expected to occur later this week.  

Visit OwnersLocker.com to see a running total of deliveries made.  

Note Disney Vacation Club members can save 20% off the one-time membership fee when joining Owner's Locker.