Exclusive Halloween event for DVC owners
Is Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party a little out of your price range? Disney Vacation Club is hosting a more afforadable event for its members on Halloween night.
Is Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party a little out of your price range? Disney Vacation Club is hosting a more afforadable event for its members on Halloween night.
MousePlanet.com contributor Donna Fesel takes a look at this summer's Disney Vacation Club Neighborhood Beach Bash in a story entitled "Wait, this Party is Free? What's the Catch?"
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Disney's Typhoon Lagoon waterpark
Discounted admission to the Downtown Disney show is now available through late 2015.
During select dates in July and August 2015, Disney Vacation Club is hosting a "Neighborhood Beach Bash" at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon waterpark. Website MouseSteps.com recently attended the Beach Bash to photograph and diary the event.
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Photo copyright MouseSteps.com
Disney Vacation Club members will again have early booking privileges and discounted rates for many events at the 2015 Epcot Food & Wine Festival.