Disney Store discount offered to members
For a limited time, Disney Vacation Club members can save 10-15% off of their purchase at any Disney Store retail location.
For a limited time, Disney Vacation Club members can save 10-15% off of their purchase at any Disney Store retail location.
Disney Vacation Club members are now eligible to purchase the Tables in Wonderland dining discount card for use at many Walt Disney World restaurants.
Guests currently staying at Walt Disney World resorts received notification that additional cable television channels will soon be available.
Disney Vacation Club members have a few more months to wait before they can purchase the Tables in Wonderland discount card.
{multithumb thumb_width=200 thumb_height=300 thumb_proportions=bestfit} The Winter 2011 issue of Disney Files Magazine is on its way. Is your copy still stuck at the post office among a stack of Land's End catalogs? Click inside for a rundown on the contents.
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