Limited time $300 Premium Annual Pass savings!
For a limited time in late 2012, Disney Vacation Club members will be able to save $300 on the purchase of a Walt Disney World Premium Annual Pass. Click inside for complete details.
For a limited time in late 2012, Disney Vacation Club members will be able to save $300 on the purchase of a Walt Disney World Premium Annual Pass. Click inside for complete details.
{multithumb thumb_width=200 thumb_height=300 thumb_proportions=bestfit} Fall is upon us and the latest issue of Disney Files Magazine has gone to the printer. Here is a quick rundown of this quarter's features.
A small selection of Disney Vacation Club clothing items are now available to order from but only for a limited time.
The second Vinylmation figure designed exclusively for Disney Vacation Club members is now available for purchase.
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A new tour will soon debut at Epcot and Disney Vacation Club members are eligible for a discount.