Prep work continues on the plot of land between Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa and the Wedding Pavilion--a site which may eventually be home to Disney Vacation Club villas.
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View from monorail looking toward Wedding Pavilion and the Seven Seas Lagoon. Grand Floridian is to the left outside the frame.
Plastic drainage guard fencing has been placed around trees. Wedding Pavilion is in upper right.
View from Grand Floridian quiet pool looking toward Wedding Pavilion. Note the wall actually extends into the Lagoon.
New walk way from Grand Floridian to the Wedding Pavilion. There are temporary walls on both sides of walk way.
Looking from the Wedding Pavilion toward Franck's Bridal Studio. The temporary walls come fairly close to the Wedding Pavilion on the right, but they aren't too obtrusive.
Not much activity on the beach. Markers have been scattered throughout the beach but their purpose is unknown.
These guard gates are on each side of the monorail track and are obviously intended to make sure that any construction trucks entering or exiting the work site can safely pass underneath the monorail track.