Disney policing pool usage

General DVC News

Walt Disney World has found another use for the MagicBands distributed to guests at its hotels and Disney Vacation Club timeshare villas:  security.

Over the weekend, TouringPlans.com reported via its Twitter feed that there are signs posted at all Walt Disney World Deluxe resorts noting that pools are accessible by resort guests only.  The sign displayed at Disney's BoardWalk Resort reads as follows:

"This pool area is for the exclusive use of Disney's BoardWalk Resort guests only.  

A MagicBand is required for access to Luna Park pool."

According to the accompanying Twitter comments, Disney Cast Members were scanning MagicBands and checking DVC member ID cards for those making use of the pool hopping perk.  

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TouringPlans Twitter

Photo courtesy of TouringPlans.com Twitter feed

Spring Break crowds are expected to peak this week and next as the Easter holiday approaches.  

No word on whether or not Disney plans to continue scanning MagicBands and checking IDs during slower periods.