Exploring DVC resale values

Financial News & Pricing

While the primary reason for buying any timeshare is to actually use the vacation time, Disney Vacation Club owners have long benefitted from a healthy resale market.  Continued demand for properties which are now more than 20 years old means that ownership can often be sold for rates which approach or exceed the original purchase.  But how exactly how well have some owners made-out when selling their points?  

In an article titled "Long-Term Financial Value of Disney Vacation Club Ownership", Paul Rotter of Fidelity Real Estate sheds light on several aspects in which DVC contracts have held and often increased their value over time.  

The blog post illustrates how direct sale prices have increased, as well as the approximate current value of contracts which some owners have held for more than 20 years.  A snapshot of DVC resale price averages for 2014 is also presented.  

As the chart below demonstrates, early owners of at least four Disney Vacation Club properties could today sell their points for more than the original purchase price.  And that's after 12-23 years of actually using the points for discounted vacation lodging.  

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Resale chart

Naturally this data should not be viewed as a forecast of future values--particularly for buyers paying $165 per point to purchase direct from Disney Vacation Club.  Still, it does help illustrate how DVC defies trends exhibited by other timeshares.  While many other vacation destinations find themselves losing most or all of their value immediately after purchase from the developer, some DVC owners find themselves holding decade-old contracts which can be re-sold for 80-100% of their original purchase price.  

For the complete story visit blog.fidelityresales.com.