Polynesian East Pool renovations - December 2015

Polynesian Villas

Renovations on the East Pool at Disney's Polynesian Villas & Bungalows is well under way.  Scheduled reopening is sometime in the spring of 2016.  Following are a series of images over the construction walls, captured from some of the Disney Vacation Club longhouses.  

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Polynesian East pool - December 2015

Polynesian East pool - December 2015

Polynesian East pool - December 2015

Polynesian East pool - December 2015

Polynesian East pool - December 2015

Polynesian East pool - December 2015

Polynesian East pool - December 2015

Wil Lovato is a contributor to DVCNews.com and has been a Disney Vacation Club owner since 2009. His DVC Home Resorts include Bay Lake Tower, Animal Kingdom Villas, and Aulani. He can be found posting on many Disney discussion forums under the username of “wdrl”.