DVC opens Fantasyland kiosk

Bay Lake Tower

Walt Disney World recently unveiled an elabroate new Disney Vacation Club sales kiosk in the Fantasyland expansion at the Magic Kingdom theme park.  

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Fantasyland DVC Kiosk

The new location opened approximately two weeks ago.  It is located opposite Under the Sea - Journey of the Little Mermaid.  The sales office is well-themed to match the surrounding Fantasyland expansion.  

Fantasyland DVC Kiosk

Fantasyland DVC Kiosk

Like other sales booths, the location is staffed with Disney Vacation Club Advance Sales Associates.  These Cast Members can answer very basic questions regarding the DVC program, but their purpose is to encourage park guests to schedule a formal tour with a sales Guide.  

Fantasyland DVC Kiosk

Fantasyland DVC Kiosk

Existing owners are always welcome to stop by to view the latest promotional literature or trade pins with the Cast Members.  

Fantasyland DVC Kiosk

Fantasyland DVC Kiosk

Thanks to Marilyn for the photos!