The best time to buy resale

Financial News & Pricing

"Best" is often a subjective term but when it relates to a 5-figure Disney Vacation Club contract purchase, price is usually the key factor.  

So when exactly is the best time to purchase a DVC contract from the resale market?  The answer may be right around the corner.  

The Disney Vacation Club resale marketplace seems to fluctuate wildly from one month to the next.  The volume of contract listings and asking prices can vary greatly over time.  Some of this may be attributable to erratic variables like DVC's own price adjustments, introduction of new resorts and the state of the economy.  But are there any recurring trends which can be anticipated?  The Fidelity Real Estate Agency set out to answer that question.

Reviewing over 3,000 transactions between 2010 and 2013, Fidelity identified some patterns in resale transfers.  Most notably the three-month period from January to March yielded some of the lowest prices of the year with February seemingly the best month to secure a great deal on a resale purchase.  

It is probably not coincidental that January and February are two of the lowest volume months of the year, along with November; lower demand tends to drive lower prices.  Additionally January and February are the months in which Disney Vacation Club owners must pay their yearly dues bill.  That financial burden--which averages more than $1000 on a 200-point contract--may prompt owners to list their contracts for sale and accept whatever offer quickly materializes.  

The Fidelity analysis also reveals data regarding the best months to purchase specific resorts and the impact of Disney's own resale price increases.  

Fidelity Real Estate Agency is a leading reseller of Disney Vacation Club contracts, as is sponsor The Timeshare Store.  

To view Fidelity's complete report and obtain other details regarding their services, visit